* * What personal information is collected from the user: Within the membership system, we request all contact information from our users, including address, phone number, and email. This information is requested in the new membership system.

* * How the company will use this information: Your information will be used for the purpose of product delivery. Your information is securely stored on our servers within the company.

* * How the company shares data with third-party companies: Since the information is collected for the purpose of product delivery and customer profile information, it is not shared with third parties.

* * How to modify, delete, or exclude this information: Changes or deletion of customer membership information is done in accordance with the user's request.

* * Purpose of the membership system: There is no online sales on our website. The purpose of the membership system is only to receive orders.

* * Only product/service application and information update entry is made from our website.

* * In terms of the security of the information entered on our website, our company keeps its system and internet infrastructure at the most reliable level by taking necessary measures. The information entered by our customers for product/service application and information update purposes cannot be viewed by other internet users. Unauthorized access to the information shared by our customers, including Kimpaş A.Ş. staff, is restricted.

* * Kimpaş A.Ş. will not share the mentioned information with any third party, company, or institution without the consent of the customers or without being under a legal obligation.

* * Kimpaş A.Ş. may only disclose this information within the framework of the necessary authorizations and legal regulations. When the regulatory authorities and/or legislative, executive bodies to which Kimpaş A.Ş. is subject request the disclosure of customer information, Kimpaş A.Ş. will disclose this information only within the necessary authorizations.

* * Our website contains links to other websites. Our commitments in the Privacy Policy are only valid within our website and do not cover other websites accessed by link from our website. The use, privacy guarantee, and terms of use of other websites accessed by link from our website are valid for those sites. Kimpaş A.Ş. is not responsible for the information use, ethical principles, privacy policies, and any material/spiritual damages that may occur on those websites.

* * If Kimpaş A.Ş. collaborates with different organizations for support services, it will ensure that these companies comply with the privacy standards and conditions of our company.

* * The copyright of the information, material, and their arrangement on our website belongs to Kimpaş A.Ş.

* * In order to protect the privacy of our customers' personal information, our company keeps its system and internet infrastructure at the most reliable level by taking necessary measures. In addition, please do not hesitate to contact our company for consultation on the topics where information is needed.